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Will a Doctor Be Able to Help with Knee Pain?

Depending on the cause, an experienced knee doctor, like one from Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, can assist you in many different ways to manage your knee pain. One thing he or she may recommend is trying physical therapy. Other people may need medication to manage diseases like arthritis or osteoporosis. You need to have the proper treatment plan for your own ailments so that you can begin feeling better and so your body can begin to heal.


Going to Other Specialists

Your knee doctor may recommend that you go see other specialists, such as a physical therapist, an acupuncturist, a nutritionist, or even a knee surgeon to be evaluated for possible knee replacements or other surgeries. You need the right people to see to begin feeling relief. A physical therapist will be good for many different ailments. He or she can give you strengthening exercises to help the muscles surrounding your knees become stronger to take pressure off your joints. Your PT may give gentle stretches to do every day in order to facilitate the movement of the knees. Your therapist may also use massage techniques to help alleviate tension around your knees.

Many people do not understand exactly how acupuncture works, but it can really help manage pain. It may alleviate some of the tension in your joints and help promote healing. Finally, changing your diet could be another great option, especially if you are overweight. Excess weight on your joints can cause harm to your knees and may cause extra pain. You can also eat foods that are rich in calcium to help slow the progression of arthritis, you can eat foods high in omega fatty acids to assist in joint pain, and take other supplements to help with inflammation. There are also anti-inflammatory diets that can greatly assist in pain management.


You May Need Surgery

Unfortunately, sometimes surgery is unavoidable. In these cases it is crucial for your knee doctor to speak with all of the medical professionals handling your case. Make sure that your knee surgeon is someone your knee doctor knows of and trusts, and that you are taking all of the proper steps to promote healing in your knees. This can be incredibly important in helping increase the longevity of the success of your knee surgery.


Contact a Knee Doctor Today

No matter what the root cause of your knee pain is, you need to reach out to an experienced knee doctor right away. The sooner you do, the faster you will find relief from your problems. Reach out to a knee specialist today to learn more on what you should be doing to start feeling better.

Should You Try to Manage Your Knee Pain?

You may have lived with knee pain for so long that you feel like nothing would be able to help it. There are many different treatment options for knee pain, though. You should explore your treatment options with an orthopedic knee doctor, like one from Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, as soon as possible so you can begin feeling some relief.


Stretching and Exercise May Help 

Typically, the best way to integrate new exercises into your routine is by visiting an experienced physical therapist who knows how to treat knee pain. The knees, though can be resilient, are also very delicate and need to be treated as such. They need to be protected while doing exercises and you must be supervised while learning how to do new things for your knees. An experienced physical therapist can work with your orthopedic knee doctor to figure out a good treatment plan for whatever kind of issues you are dealing with.

Building muscle around your knees can take a great amount of stress off of them. Stretching can also help your knees move much more productively. It is crucial to be able to manage your knee pain in a healthy way. Speaking with a physical therapist about your everyday aches and pains is often a great start to managing pain.


Change Your Diet

If you are overweight, you may consider losing some extra weight to help alleviate the pressure on your knees. This can be an incredibly effective way to deal with knee pain. You can also start doing an anti-inflammatory diet that might help lessen the swelling and inflammation around your knees. The Mediterranean diet is a common one for those who want to lessen inflammation in the body, but there are many different ideas that a nutritionist may recommend for helping your knee pain. A good orthopedic knee doctor may also offer supplements and minerals that can also manage your pain. You should speak to your doctor before changing anything.


Medication May Help

In some instances, you may need different pain medications or even surgery to help with your knee pain. You should talk in great detail with your orthopedic knee doctor about the best options for you and determine whether you have exhausted all of the natural options. Do not wait. The sooner you reach out to a doctor, the quicker you will be able to get relief for your ailments. Contact a knee doctor today to set up a consultation!

All of The Different Ways To Treat Knee Pain

There are so many different treatment options for people who suffer from knee pain. Some are more natural remedies, but sometimes, you need to get knee surgery to treat your knee pain and get rid of it for the long term. If this is the case, you need an experienced and compassionate knee surgeon, like one from Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, on your side. He or she will be able to look closely at the issues you are facing and figure out if surgery is the best option or if you should try something else first.


You Can Usually at Least Try Physical Therapy

In rare instances, you may not be able to get physical therapy for your condition. Sometimes, it can harm you more than it will help. But for most people, physical therapy is a great starting point for knee pain. Even if you end up needing to get surgery, physical therapy can prepare you to handle it better. After all, you will need to get PT after surgery to facilitate your recovery process.


A good physical therapist will give you gentle stretches and other exercises to help your knees feel better and heal. The more you are able to do on your own at home, the better your healing process will be. You should always speak up if something hurts or seems like it is making your knee pain worse. Physical therapy is meant to help, not harm your knees.


You May Want to Try Natural Remedies

There are many different ways to treat pain and inflammation from the inside out. You might want to change your diet. If you are overweight, losing some of the extra pounds will take strain away from your knees. You can also try an anti-inflammatory diet to hopefully help lessen the inflammation around your knees. Western medicine like acupuncture can also help you deal with pain and tension around your knees. These treatments and ideas often cannot hurt, but it is crucial to speak with your knee doctor as soon as you decide you want to try something new.


Surgery May Be the Best Option

It is crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced knee surgeon if none of the more natural treatments are working for your pain. He or she will work with your other doctors and medical professionals to make you feel better and figure out what the root cause of the pain is. This will allow you to fix the actual problem in order to make your pain better.

What Lifestyle Changes Can Promote Healing For Chronic Knee Pain?

Sadly, many Americans deal with chronic knee pain. It can be caused by a wide array of different ailments, so it is incredibly important to speak with a knee doctor, like one from Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, to help figure out what exactly is going on with your knees. This will enable you to get the proper treatments that will help, not hurt, whatever is going on with your body. Knee pain can be complicated so you need a specialist who can take a deep dive into your medical history and do testing to determine what is going on.


You May Need to Lose Weight

If you are overweight at all, you are putting extra strain on your joints. By losing some weight, you can help alleviate pressure on your muscles and joints. You can make dietary changes that may help with this.


You Can Try Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is amazing for many different ailments. It will not be beneficial for absolutely everything, but if your knee doctor recommends it, you should be diligent about going. Your physical therapist will give you exercises and stretches to do at home. You need to be proactive about doing this and make sure you are honest with your PT about how much you do at home. He or she can make a plan that is compatible with your lifestyle.


Making Dietary Changes Can Help 

Many people do anti-inflammatory diets to try to help manage chronic pain. It is important to seek out help from your knee doctor and even possibly a nutritionist to determine what kind of vitamins and minerals you may want to add to your diet. You can also figure out what kind of foods could be bad for your health and eliminate these from your diet. Dietary changes can make a great impact on your overall health and how you feel. Do not try to do everything on your own, though. It is important to have the help of someone who is trained in this field to assist in creating a diet that will be beneficial to your health.


Contact a Knee Doctor Today

You should reach out to a knee doctor as soon as possible to get assistance with managing your pain. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can begin to feel relief. There are many different things that may help you manage your pain so it is crucial to get started as soon as possible.

How Can You Ease Your Knee Pain?

Unfortunately, knee pain is not uncommon in adults. It is always important to get evaluated by an orthopedic knee doctor, like one from Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, at the onset of pain. The sooner you get checked out, the faster you can begin to seek relief for your pain or healing from your injuries or illness. A doctor will know the options that would be right on you, depending on what is going on with your knees.


Go to Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is almost always a good option for any kind of pain. If you are having knee pain, it is important to find the root cause before undergoing any kind of treatment. This will help your physical therapist know what kind of exercises will help and what you will need to avoid. Gentle stretches can help joint mobility and other important functions of the knee, but you will need to avoid heavy weights and putting too much strain on your knees.


Acupuncture Can Be Beneficial 

People often do not really understand how acupuncture works, but some people find that it can help alleviate pain. It is something that often cannot hurt, but can only help. You should speak with your orthopedic knee doctor before deciding to do any kind of treatment regarding your knees.


Losing Weight and Changing Your Diet Can Help

If you are overweight, you are likely putting extra pressure on your knees. By losing some of the excess weight, you can alleviate some of the pain that is hurting your knees. There are also many different vitamins that can help assist your joints in feeling better and promote healing. You may want to consume more omega fatty acids from fish, antioxidants from fruits and vegetables, and calcium to promote bone health. Doing these things in conjunction with one another can be incredibly beneficial in helping your knees heal. Even if you end up needing surgery, these can make it much easier to recover after.


You May Need Knee Surgery 

Sometimes, surgery is unavoidable and inevitable. You may need full or partial knee replacements if you cannot get away with lifestyle changes and physical therapy. It is crucial to get advice from your orthopedic knee doctor on what the best option for your situation will be. He or she can also recommend a good surgeon who will be able to help with your issues. No matter what kind of pain you are facing, always seek assistance from an experienced doctor before deciding to do anything permanent.

What Are Some Common Symptoms Of Knee Pain?

Your knees are dealing with all of your body weight, so every time that you walk and run your knee joint is dealing with all of that pressure. This means that your knees are quite literally responsible for holding you upright and in many cases, your knees are going to hold you up very well. But what happens if you find yourself with injury, illness or a chronic condition that makes your knees function with pain? 

You may have a lot of questions, such as what are the common symptoms of knee pain? The orthopedic knee doctors in Pottstown PA available at Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania are here to help you with all of your knee-related questions. Read down below to learn the answers to some of the most common questions about knee pain from the orthopedic knee doctor in Pottstown, PA.

What are some common symptoms of knee pain?

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Weakness
  • Locking
  • Clicking

This is not a full and complete list, simply some of the most common symptoms you might experience if you are experiencing knee pain. If you are experiencing the pain you should talk to an orthopedic knee doctor in Pottstown PA to ensure that you are evaluated fully for underlying causes and treated properly. 

When should I go to a doctor for knee pain?

You should go to your doctor for knee pain if there is been no change or improvement in your knee after three weeks, because it is essential not to let you suffer, and it is essential to treat the underlying cause of your knee pain so that you can live a pain-free life whereas pain-free of a life as your physician is able to give you.

How do I know if my knee pain is serious?

If you are not positive about how serious your knee pain is, this means you are likely not sure if you need an orthopedic knee doctor in Pottstown, PA or if you need to see a doctor at all. That’s okay, we’ll tell you what to look for. If your knee is swelling or you see any deformities, then you should see a doctor and perhaps be referred to an orthopedic new doctor in Pottstown, PA. If you are unable to straighten your legs fully, if your knee cannot support you, or if you have a fever, it may be associated with swelling and redness of your knee. Your orthopedic knee doctor in Pottstown, PA is going to diagnose her condition and devise a treatment plan that is specifically tailored to you and your condition.

Is walking good for knee pain?

Depending on the cause of knee pain, walking can be a very good thing. However, it can be something not recommended for certain treatment plans or injuries. If you have arthritis in your knee, then walking can help you ease that pain because the motion is going to some blood to your knee joint.

Stem Cell Treatment Can Help Injured People Recover

You may have heard the buzz about stem cells treatments in the news, magazine articles, TV commercials, or through their use in athletic injuries. As a result, you might be wondering what stem cells are, what they can do, and how they could help you or a loved one with an injury, debilitating disease, or degenerative medical condition. A stem cell treatment doctor aims to restore function and reduce pain for patients experiencing these conditions and more.

What Are Stem Cells?

As a knee pain doctor in Exton, PA like our friends at Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania can explain, stem cells are precursor cells that can self-repair and create more of the same cells. Or, they can develop into specialized cells for a specific function through the process of differentiation.  Under the right bodily conditions, stem cells will differentiate into one particular type of cell. Stem cells are the actual building blocks of the human body. Their regenerative properties can help repair damaged cells, tissues, and organs.

Stem cells have distinct functional properties including immune system balancing and anti-inflammatory properties. They can repair and regenerate damaged cells, including those found in nerves, cartilage, bone, and other connective tissues. Stem cell therapies help injured patients achieve optimum health and a better quality of life through their healing benefits. 

What Is Stem Cell Treatment?

Stem cell treatment is a natural and convenient alternative to invasive surgery and lengthy rehabilitation processes. It is typically an outpatient therapy that is customized and individualized for a patient by a stem cell treatment doctor. When stem cells are introduced into a part of the body that is injured and causing pain, they begin to stimulate the body’s innate healing response and start repairing and regenerating the damaged part of the body. Many patients experience a reduction in their pain after a single session, and pain reduction typically continues as the stem cells work to replace damaged tissue with healthy cells. Stem cells can treat: 

  • Knee pain
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Hip pain
  • Wrist pain
  • Other joint pains 

Before you decide to have invasive joint surgery or seek relief from potentially addictive medications, you should take the time to look into stem cell regenerative therapy.

How Can Stem Cell Therapy Help Accident Victims?

Many accident victims turn to stem cell treatments as a way to regain their lost function after a debilitating injury. Some injuries and painful conditions can have life-altering consequences, and if this has happened to you or a loved one, you owe it to yourself to get the best treatment possible. If you were injured as a result of an accident due to another’s fault or negligence, you might be able to access the therapies you need through your litigation claim and be compensated for the cost of them as well.

You should look to your stem cell treatment physician for the documentation proving the extent of your injury and the need for a particular treatment. A stem cell professional can provide a better understanding of your situation and also provide documentation as a medical professional. For more details and to get help, schedule an appointment with a stem cell treatment doctor. 


FAQ: Common Patient Questions About Stem Cell Therapy

Patients who are struggling to cope with the aches, pains and uncomfortable symptoms related to their condition may consider what treatment options are available to them. As a knee pain doctor in Collegeville, PA  at Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania can explain, dealing with such unrelenting symptoms can have a serious impact on our quality of life, and hinder our ability to do things we enjoy. A patient may eventually hear about stem cell therapy, and wonder if they may find relief after receiving treatments. Those who have never tried stem cell therapy before, may be apprehensive about what to expect. When meeting with a stem cell doctor, a patient may have plenty of questions similar to the ones we have answered below: 


What should a patient expect when getting a stem cell treatment?

Stem cell therapy uses a patient’s own naturally created stem cells to replace damaged cells, while healing tissues and alleviating intense pain. The stem cells are taken from the patient’s body, specifically within bone marrow and fat tissues through a minor procedure. The cells are then injected into the area of the body that is troublesome for the patient. 

For example, a patient suffering from chronic knee pain may have stem cells injected into their knee to encourage healing and pain reduction. A patient can anticipate seeing some changes within the few weeks after a stem cell treatment. However, how soon a patient experiences relief varies depending on the individual and the diagnosed condition. Those who want to know if their condition could benefit from stem cell therapy, can meet with a stem cell doctor for a thorough consultation. 


Why do patients become drawn to stem cell therapy?

In traditional medicine, sometimes a physician will prescribe heavy doses of pain killer and muscle relaxers to ease the pain a patient experiences. While this may work in the short term, it can come with side effects and may result in the root of the problem not being addressed. Stem cell treatments can be a great alternative to pain medication. Many patients like the idea of treating their ailments with their very own cells, versus taking an unnatural pill or substance.


Why may stem cells be needed at all? 

When we suffer an injury or illness, our system uses stem cells to repair the body. However, sometimes our body does not send enough cells to the area that is required for full healing. The approach to such treatments is to help the body do what it normally would have instinctually, through using naturally occurring stem cells. 


What conditions may stem cell treatments help with?

Patients who experience chronic pain can benefit from stem cell treatments. Research continues to be done by both researchers and doctors to determine just how much of a profound impact these treatments can be on a patient’s quality of life. Other conditions that may benefit from stem cell treatment include:

  • Heart attack recovery
  • Neurological conditions
  • Insulin production for diabetes 
  • Sports injuries
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ligament and tendon pain
  • Back and leg pain
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Joint pain



How To Get The Most From Sports Therapy? - young athlete triathlon in front of a sunrise

How To Get The Most From Sports Therapy? 

Sports Therapist

There are many different reasons why people seek out physical therapy. Perhaps you have a nagging injury from playing sports in high school. You also may be suffering from a contact injury that resulted in a twisted ankle or broken leg. Or perhaps you tore your ACL or other tendons and ligaments. Regardless of why you are seeking help, a sports therapist can help you recover more quickly so you can get back to doing what you love. If you are looking for a sports therapist to help you recuperate, then LeMoine Physical Therapy is here to help. Our experienced staff will work diligently with you and provide you the care and compassion you need to get you back on your feet. You may be wondering what to expect when you come to physical therapy. Here are few things our friends at LeMoine Physical Therapy recommend doing to get the most out of your treatment. 

Come With A Good Attitude

We understand. You are in pain or unable to play the sport that you love and that can make you feel disgruntled. However, to get the most out of sports therapy, you will need to have a good attitude. Your therapist will likely push you so that you are strengthening your body and can recuperate in a timely manner. Being positive will allow you to be more open to the exercises your sports therapist recommends and more likely that you will do these exercises at home. Doing your home exercises is an important component of physical therapy. The time you spend with your therapist will be limited and in order to speed up the process, you will need to do this work at home as well. 

Ask Lots of Questions 

Any good sports therapist is willing to answer questions. Talk with your therapist so you understand what your diagnosis is and your timeline for recovery. You also should make sure you understand the exercises you will be doing at home before you leave each time. Make sure you go over anything you don’t understand and practice while your physical therapist is watching so that you are sure you are doing the right thing. Otherwise, you may be wasting your previous time at home and it may even delay your recovery time. 

Don’t Get Discouraged

Recovery takes time. Many times there are setbacks and it is just something to work through. Just like in sports, you don’t win every game, and you need to be in it for the long haul. You may feel discomfort as you work with your physical therapist, but at the end of the day you will be better for it. 

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (also known as PRP) is a pain-relieving treatment option that is non-operative. It naturally promotes the long-lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. As a knee pain doctor in Collegeville, PA like our friends at Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania can explain, PRP is human blood that is spun and separated which produces a higher than normal concentration of platelets. Platelets are the cells that clot in our blood, but they are also able to enhance the healing of tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

There has been research that shows that platelets release growth factors that increase tissue repair and allow for faster soft tissue healing. Many people who have undergone PRP treatments believe they have been able to return to their regular activities with minimal to no pain. PRP therapy gives patients an option for a permanent, long-last solution that just enhances the body’s natural healing process. PRP is different from a traditional pain injection because it doesn’t just wear off after a certain amount of time. 

What can I use PRP for?

PRP therapy is the most effective for chronic tendon and ligament injuries that have not responded to more conservative treatments. Some conditions include:

  • Golf and tennis elbow
  • Knee sprains
  • Ankle sprains
  • Tendonitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Joint osteoarthritis
  • Hip and hamstring strains
  • Shoulder pain
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Lumbar spinal disc pain
  • Knee arthritis
  • Hip joint arthritis
  • Ankle arthritis
  • Shoulder arthritis


How do you receive PRP treatments?

The process of receiving PRP injections does not usually take more than an hour. During the procedure, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge, which is a machine that spins blood at a fast rate to separate the blood into concentrated platelets and red blood cells. The red blood cells are then discarded and then the concentrated PRP is then ready to be used. Once the PRP has been created, it is then injected back into the injured area.


Depending on the spot of the injury, ultrasounds or x-rays will be used to ensure the proper location is being targeted. The number of injections a patient would need to receive depends on the severity of the injury. Typically, patients begin feeling relief after the first treatment but do not see full results until between two and six injections completed over time. 


PRP injections are not usually painful, but it does depend on the location of the injury. If there is pain following the procedure, it can be managed by taking over the counter medication. Anti-inflammatory medications should be avoided after the injection as they can impede the healing process. 


Are there any risks with PRP?

PRP is a very safe treatment option. There is no chance of an allergic reaction because the PRP comes directly from your own blood. There is a small risk of infection, nerve damage, and bleeding, as there is anytime a needle is used on the body. These risks are very rare. PRP is typically not used right when an injury takes place. PRP is considered after traditional treatments have proved ineffective for the injury.