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Fluid Flow Regenerative Medicine Therapy Pennsylvania

What is Fluid Flow?

Fluid Flow Regenerative Medicine Therapy PennsylvaniaFluid Flow is an amniotic allograft that takes the amniotic liquid within the placenta and promotes the process of tissue repair, replacement, and reconstruction. This amniotic fluid consists of substances like cytokines that are important factors within tissue healing. Fluid flow regenerative therapy in Pennsylvania, has also been shown to help with pain management for patients.

At Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, we use fluid flow regenerative medicine therapy to help patients undergo the treatment they need, all while allowing them to maintain a comfortable and productive lifestyle.

What does it treat?

Fluid Flow regenerative medicine therapy can treat a number of different problems in patients. Used by health care practitioners for decades, amniotic allografts have been utilized in treating conditions like chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, hair loss, as well as orthopedic conditions.

By promoting the body’s own healing responses, Fluid Flow can effectively activate the factors responsible for the repair, replacement, and reconstruction of tissue for patients. In terms of orthopedic treatment, some injuries that would benefit from Fluid Flow are:

  •     Sports injuries
  •     Joint pain
  •     Tendonitis
  •     Fasciitis
  •     Muscle tears

How is it Administered?

At Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, Fluid Flow is typically administered through an injection into the patient’s body to the targeted pain generator. However, it is also possible to use Fluid Flow through a nebulizer. This allows the patient to breathe in the Fluid Flow, which then uses the same process of releasing cytokines into the body to promote healing and pain management.

Is it Safe?

Fluid Flow liquid allograft is processed strictly using FDA approved requirements. Donors contributing to Fluid Flow technology are all thoroughly screened and assessed for any high risk behavior or diseases beforehand. Also, all donated tissue has been approved for transplant following the industry standards, as well as tested for any infectious disease.

How Does it Work?

Fluid Flow technology is a form of regenerative medicine therapy that helps to activate the body’s healing responses. After it is injected, Fluid Flow releases cytokines into the patient’s body which are shown to promote healing and pain management.

The process works in lieu of inflammatory tendencies, instead of utilizing repair processes consistent in regenerative medicine. This regenerative therapy will start the healing process while at the same time allowing the patient to have the quality of life necessary for a productive lifestyle.

What are the benefits of using Fluid Flow?

Using Fluid Flow regenerative medicine therapy allows the patient’s body to naturally heal and regenerate tissue as needed. The amniotic fluid activates the body’s healing response while limiting any inflammatory responses. Also, the regenerative process replaces the build-up of scar tissue in patients. For this reason, Fluid Flow has been an effective application for patients with orthopedic conditions.

Are There Risks in Undergoing Treatment?

Obtaining amniotic fluid has no ethical or moral issues associated with its use. There is no harm to the foetus, only the amniotic membrane and fluid is used, which is typically discarded if not used for regenerative therapies.

A Non-Surgical Solution

If you have been looking for a non-surgical solution to relieve pain and recover from injuries to your joints, muscles, soft tissues, and beyond, Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania offers the latest in fluid flow regenerative medicine therapy in Pennsylvania. Find out more today by calling or booking a consultation with our certified specialists.

Knee Pain Relief Philadelphia, PA

What causes Knee Pain?

Knee Pain Relief Philadelphia, PA

Knee pain can be caused by a sudden injury, an overuse injury, or by an underlying condition, such as arthritis. Treatment will vary depending on the cause. Symptoms of knee injury can include pain, swelling, and stiffness. We offer Knee Pain Relief Philadelphia, PA, if you have been experiencing knee pain, you should consult a knee doctor for a professional diagnosis and individualized treatment plan.

What Does a Knee Injury Feel Like?

Obviously, it hurts! But the type of pain and where you feel it can vary, depending on what the problem is. You may have:

  • Pain, usually when you bend or straighten the knee (including when you go down stairs)
  • Swelling
  • Trouble putting weight on the knee
  • Problems moving your knee
  • Knee buckling or “locking”

If you have these symptoms, see our Knee Pain Relief Philadelphia, PA doctor. He will check your knee. You may also need X-rays or an MRI to see more detail of the joint.

Knee Injury: 6 Things to Do for the Pain

Your plan that the Knee Pain Relief Philadelphia, PA, doctor recommends for you will depend on your specific injury. Mild to moderate issues will often get better on their own. To speed the healing, you can:

  1. Rest your knee. Take a few days off from intense activity.
  2. Ice it to curb pain and swelling. Do it for 15 to 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours. Keep doing it for 2 to 3 days or until the pain is gone.
  3. Compress your knee. Use an elastic bandage, straps, or sleeves to wrap the joint. It will keep down swelling or add support.
  4. Elevate your knee with a pillow under your heel when you’re sitting or lying down to cut down on swelling.
  5. Take anti-inflammatory medications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen will help with pain and swelling. Follow the instructions on the label. These drugs can have side effects, so you should only use them now and then unless your doctor says otherwise.
  6. Practice stretching and strengthening exercises if your doctor recommends them. You may want to do physical therapy, too.

Some people with knee pain need more help. For instance, if you have bursitis, the Knee Pain Relief Philadelphia, PA doctor may need to draw out extra fluid from the bursa in your knee. If you have arthritis, you may need an occasional corticosteroid shot to settle down inflammation. And if you have a torn ligament or certain knee injuries, you may need surgery.

How Can I Prevent Knee Pain?

Although you can’t prevent all injuries, you can take these steps to make them less likely.

  • Stop exercising if you feel pain in your knee.
  • If you want to make your workout more intense, always do it gradually.
  • Stretch your legs before and after physical activity.
  • Use knee pads to prevent bursitis, especially if you have to kneel a lot.
  • Wear shoes that fit well and offer enough support.
  • Keep your thigh muscles strong with regular stretching and strengthening.
  • If you’re overweight, work to drop some pounds so there’s less stress on all of your joints, including your knees.

When You’re Experiencing Knee Pain, Call the Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania

If you have been experiencing knee pain, you should consult a knee doctor for a professional diagnosis and individualized treatment plan. To schedule a consultation with an osteoarthritis doctor in Philadelphia, PA today, call the Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania.       

How Zombies Exist

“So I have a theory as to why zombies are able to walk and ‘live,’ so to speak. I can’t even explain their particular smell. Yep, they have a particular smell. I have had this theory for a while, and at every Halloween party, I try to explain my theory to people who will listen. Unfortunately, my geeky and academic explanation only serves to produce a temporary glassy-eyed zombie smiling back at me trying to figure a way out of the conversation. So a few years ago I decided to write down my theories. Here is a synopsis, with references.

Zombies exist… The movies do not have it completely right but they do come close. In order for you to understand my theory, I need to explain who we are normally as humans. As a geneticist, I know that at birth we are 99.9% human by genotype. That is, the genes we carry in and on our bodies are mostly human. By the time we die we are 90% bacteria.[1] After we are born we begin to colonize bacteria in our gut and on our body. Who we become as we age depends on how our bodies are colonized by bacteria, viruses, and other types of bugs. By the time we turn 2, we pretty much know what the bacteria in our bodies will look like for the rest of our lives.[2] This development is so specific that the pattern of bacteria each person has in their gut is almost like a fingerprint, specific to each individual.[3] We know this through kissing studies….really! Look it up! [4]

The development of a proper gut bacteria is important for us as humans and for this to happen in a very specific way. Normally for us to be able to digest certain foods and make certain vitamins we need particular bacteria in our bodies. Bacteria even help us manage our moods. This balance of bacteria is called our microbiome and the government has a specific organization studying human gut microbiome.[5] Your gut microbiome even has memories![6]

Another thing you need to understand is that we have 2 brains. Yep, we actually have 2 brains (no man jokes here please, this is serious). Most people understand we have the central nervous system (CNS) that contains the brain in our skull and the spine down our back that sends signals to our body. The second brain is located in our gut. Yep, the gut has an intricate system of nerves called the Enteric Nervous System (ENS) that allows the gut to communicate with our CNS. It is called the gut-nervous connection.[7] If you cut the nerve that helps connect the ENS with the CNS your gut muscles and memories will continue to work allowing your gut to move and digest, and “think” for itself. It’s true! Look at the references here. [8]

A final bit of information that will help you understand my theory: If you are an adult reading this you normally have about 3 to 5 pounds of total bacteria in and on your body working to help keep you healthy and alive. That bacteria have a total of well over 150 times the amount of genes than the total number of human genes in your body. There is a very powerful metabolic interplay between the gut bacteria and their human host[9]. There is a very particular balance of bacteria in your body that makes you human. If that balance is disturbed it is called “dysbiosis.” Dysbiosis can be a simple diarrhea caught while travelling to a foreign country or a long term imbalance that causes you not to be able to make a certain vitamin or allow your gut lining to normally absorb food and nutrients that you need to be human.[10] Which leads me to my theory on zombies:

Scientists have not discovered all the types of bacteria and viruses we have in our bodies normally. Not even close.[11] The cinema wants you to believe that a foreign bacteria or virus infects us to turn you as a human into a zombie. That cannot be correct. My theory is that the virus/bacteria that make a zombie a zombie is already in our system. I also theorize that not everyone can become a zombie. That there is a special set of dormant genes that are passed down in certain families that get turned on and cause a cascade of events turning that person into a zombie. I believe when that normal microbiome balance gets disrupted that person begins the transformation into the walking dead. I think that a very particular set of zombie transformation genes gets turned on and the very particular pattern of bacteria and viruses take over the second brain and eats away and cuts off the central nervous system. The second brain, the ENS, takes over the muscles and allows the person to become the “Walking Dead.” I base my theories on real science and experimentation (note all the references!). I also have theories on why Zombies smell the way they do and why the movies have it wrong on how to kill a zombie.


Doctor Gonzalez, Mad Scientist Geek”

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about how to be your healthiest self with a medical nutrition in Silver Spring, MD, contact Atlantis Medical Wellness Center for a consultation with a wellness doctor.


[1] Arumugam M, et al. Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome. Nature 2011;473:174-180

[2] Duca F. et al. Metabolic interplay between gut bacteria and their host. Front Horm Res. (2014) vol 2 pp 73-82

[3] Turnbaugh PJ, et al. (2010) Organismal, genetic, and transcriptional variation in the deeply sequenced gut microbiomes of identical twins. Poc Natl Acad Sci 107, 7503-7508

[4] Remco K et al.Shaping the oral microbiota through intimate kissing. Microbiome. Nov 2014. 2:41.

[5] https://commonfund.nih.gov/hmp/index

[6] Barnaby DD Psychological Science December 2010vol. 21 no. 12 1835-1844

[7] Lomax AE, Fernandez E, Sharkey KA. Plasticity of the enteric nervous system during intestinal inflammation. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2005; 17: 4–15

[8] Grundy D. 5-HT System in the Gut: roles in the regulation of visceral sensitivity and motor functions. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci.2008 Aug;12 Suppl 1:63-7.

[9] Duca F. et al. Metabolic interplay between gut bacteria and their host. Front Horm Res. (2014) vol 2 pp 73-82

[10] Tap J, et al. Towards the human intestinal microbiota phylogenetic core. Environ Microbial 2009;11:2574-2584

[11] Wu GD, et al. Linking long term dietary patterns with gut microbial enterotypes. Science 2011.;334:105-108